[EASL中国之声]香港中文大学Vincent W.-S. Wong教授:CAP诊断脂肪肝的可信度标准

编者按:EASL2017期间,香港中文大学消化疾病研究所、内科及药物治疗学系Vincent W.-S. Wong教授在“Parallel session: Non invasive assessment of liver disease”专题中,报告了其团队完成的一项多中心研究:受控衰减参数(CAP)诊断脂肪肝的可信度标准分析(大会摘要号:PS-120)。
在纳入754例患者的多中心研究中,Wong教授团队发现,十次CAP检测的四分位范围(IQR)可以判断检测结果是否值得信赖。Wong教授认为这是一个可使用的简易算法,而且可直接应用于临床:当IQR<40 dB/m时,依据CAP诊断脂肪肝的可信度更高;但当IQR≥40 dB/m时,检测的准确度下降,此时应谨慎解读CAP结果。另外,研究还发现影响LSM的传统因素对CAP的可信度几乎没有影响。“我非常开心,很多学者在会上自告奋勇地指出这是一个重要的研究,同时他们也提出了一些有趣的问题”,Vincent W.-S. Wong教授介绍到。
At this EASL meeting, our group presented the validating criteria analysis for controlled attenuation parameter. Controlled attenuation parameter (CAP) is a measurement of liver fat. It is quite handy and easy to use, however, its accuracy is not perfect. We were trying to identify some criteria so that clinicians can determine whether a measurement is reliable. In our study of 754 patients, we were able to show that the interquartile range of ten measurements of CAP could determine whether the measurement is trustworthy. In particular, if the interquartile range exceeds 40 then accuracy declines and we should be more cautious when interpreting CAP results. We think that this is a simple algorithm to use and can be applied immediately at the clinic. I am quite happy that many people came forward at this meeting to say this was an important study, and they also raised some interesting questions as well.
The biggest advantage of CAP is that, firstly, it is more sensitive than a routine ultrasound scan of the abdomen in diagnosing fatty liver. At the same time, because CAP is measured together with liver stiffness by the FibroScan machine, fatty liver can be diagnosed as well as a simultaneous assessment of liver stiffness. It is not just for diagnosis, but also for the assessment of the liver. From a single investigation, a lot can be learned.
I am happy to say this is an excellent meeting, very well organized, with many sessions presenting the state-of-the-art and newest information from various aspects of hepatology. I am very glad to be here. We have heard a lot of new interesting studies at this meeting. At my session, there were six presentations on the various aspects of non-invasive diagnosis of liver disease. What I found exciting is that there is work starting in the primary care setting (i.e. by general practitioners). I think it is important to not just apply non-invasive tests in the hospital setting, but also in the primary care setting. Most patients are seeing their general practitioners. They are the people who see patients first and identify those at risk and then refer for specialist treatment. I think that is very important.