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EASL访谈 | Thursz教授:新版指南以“酒精相关性肝病”重新命名ALD(附指南下载)
——  作者:    时间:2018-04-19 03:05:48    阅读数: 159

编者按:Mark Thursz教授是欧洲肝脏研究学会(EASL)的前任秘书长,作为2018版《EASL临床实践指南:酒精相关性肝病的管理》制定组长,他在刚刚结束的EASL年会上进行了说明。会后,《国际肝病》记者邀请到Thursz教授介绍指南重点更新,及酒精相关性肝病与肝细胞癌(HCC)的联系(文末可下载指南原文)。
关于患者的诊断与检测,《指南》以独立的章节进行推荐。我特别想强调的一点是,乙基葡萄糖醛酸苷(ethyl glucuronide, EtG)可较好检测酒精摄入,可用于患者监测。
Prof. Thursz: I would like to highlight a couple of important changes to the Guidelines starting with the nomenclature. The term “alcoholic” is a stigmatizing term that many patients resent and find difficult to deal with. As a result, we have tried to move away from the term “alcoholic” wherever possible, using the term “alcohol-related” - alcohol-related liver disease, alcohol-related cirrhosis and alcohol-related steatohepatitis. These terms are less offensive to patients. 
We have also looked at the treatment of patients with alcohol-related hepatitis. New data from the Steroids or Pentoxifylline for Alcoholic Hepatitis (STOPAH) trial showed that there is no effect whatsoever from the use of pentoxifylline, which had been incorporated into previous guidelines. 
There is some controversy concerning the use of corticosteroids like prednisolone, and in the new guidelines we emphasize the fact that corticosteroids can be considered for the treatment of patients with severe alcohol-related hepatitis, but as they do not improve survival at three months, then there is clearly a note of caution there. The Guidelines also now include a section on diagnostic tests. In particular, I would like to highlight the fact that patient monitoring might include the use of ethyl glucuronide (EtG), which is a good way of detecting alcohol use. However, at this point, it is not entirely clear how frequently this should be included.
Prof. Thursz: This is always a controversial question - in alcohol-related liver disease, how important is hepatocellular carcinoma? The statistics would suggest that, in fact, hepatocellular carcinoma is not as common in this group of patients as it is in patients who are infected with chronic hepatitis B or C. One of the reasons for this is unfortunately if patients do not stop drinking, they are very likely to die from liver failure rather than HCC. Sadly, a repeatable finding is that patients typically develop a tumor after they have stopped drinking.
Prof. Thursz: It would be lovely to say that there was a new treatment available that prevented patients from developing hepatocellular carcinoma, but unfortunately, that isn’t the case. What is important, however, and sometimes neglected in clinical practice is that these patients should undergo regular surveillance. If tumors can be picked up early, then curative treatments can be applied.

