名家访谈 | 美国感染病学会主席Paul G Auwaerter:感染性疾病的重要性更胜往昔,然而我们可能处于倒退的拐点
——  作者:    时间:2018-07-29     阅读数: 149

编者按:今日闭幕的中华医学会感染病学分会第十五次全国会议也是美国感染病学会和中华医学会感染病学分会首次联合召开的会议。美国感染病学会主席、约翰霍普金斯大学Paul G Auwaerter教授在接受《国际肝病》专访时对两个学会的首次合作表示激动,并非常看好后续的强强联手。Auwaerter教授还与我们分享了他对感染病学当下发展和未来方向的看法。
Hepatology Digest:  This is the first joint meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America and Chinese Association of Infectious Diseases. What do you think about this cooperation and future cooperation?
Dr Auwaerter: I am honored to be here in the great country of China, and very excited to continue discussions with the Chinese Society of Infectious Diseases. We believe we have many common goals in education, research and clinical care, so we are discussing our mutual interests to see where we can help one another to expand what we can do to advance the science, as well as improve the care of our patients.
Hepatology Digest: What is the value of the infectious diseases physician?
Dr Auwaerter: The field of infectious diseases is more important than ever. We continue to describe new pathogens. We have problems that arise because of the use of important agents of an antimicrobial nature that demand that we continue to provide surveillance and help physicians decide what the best choices are. I think this is a field that is more important than ever, especially as the world’s population continues to expand and travel is increasingly common. I am certain we will face new challenges which we can’t even dream of at the moment that will require a trained workforce that can help us understand new problems, and rally and deal with them as quickly as possible.
Hepatology Digest: Infectious diseases used to be the number one killer to human. Although it is no longer the case, infectious diseases are still an important threat. What are the new challenges that we face in the field of infectious diseases?
Dr Auwaerter: The field of infectious disease has, of course, had many notorious infections that have created great problems throughout human history – the plague and pandemic influenza, for example, and more pedestrian infections like pneumonia and cellulitis. The miracles of antimicrobial therapies have truly improved our health, as have vaccines and basic strides in public health in terms of sanitation practices, food quality and other important environmental aspects. However, I think the pressures brought about by our growing population and environmental challenges mean that we are right at the cusp of stepping backwards. We could lose the ability to easily treat common problems like streptococcal and staphylococcal and gram-negative infections, such that we will find ourselves in the same situation our great grandparents faced without effective antimicrobial agents. I believe the biggest challenges are as follows. I feel antimicrobial resistance is the most pressing problem for the planet, and that includes drug-resistant tuberculosis which particularly afflicts countries that are less developed, and the global epidemic of HIV. Every country has to deal with antimicrobial resistance. There are a whole other host of issues including fungal pathogens, viruses such as dengue, and parasites such as malaria. There are many challenges, and there will be new ones to come. The emerging infectious diseases are what make the field so exciting and dynamic. So the challenges are manyfold, but that is what keeps many of us working so hard to keep the field as engaged as possible with the medical community, in public health and with governments.
Hepatology Digest: Infectious diseases are old but change very quickly. How do you view the relationship and interaction between pathogenic microorganisms and humans?
Dr Auwaerter: Another exciting aspect of infectious diseases is the interactions between pathogens, as well as with normal bacterial flora and viruses that become part of our own microbiome and flora. I think we are just beginning to learn all of the ramifications of how these microorganisms interact with our immune system and whether they may drive autoimmunity and cancers. We already have some important examples. We have to be extremely circumspect when we use antimicrobial agents because they can have unintended consequences due to shifts in our normal flora which we are only beginning to learn about. This is a whole other aspect that I think is very exciting, and one that I predict we will learn much more about the impact on human health in the next decade.
Auwaerter教授:传染病的另一个令人兴奋的方面是病原体之间的相互作用以及成为我们自身微生物组和菌群的一部分的正常细菌菌群和病毒。 我想我们只是刚刚开始了解这些微生物如何与我们的免疫系统相互作用,以及它们是否能驱动免疫细胞和癌症。我们已经得到了一些重要的例子。使用抗生素时,我们必须非常谨慎,由于正常菌群的变化,它们可能会产生意想不到的后果,而我们对正常菌群的认识才刚刚开始。我认为这又是一个非常令人兴奋的课题,我预测未来十年中我们会更多了解它们对人类健康的影响。

