CSH-EASL | 法国Thabut教授:肝硬化患者的生存趋势、预后评估和治疗进展
——  作者:    时间:2018-10-18 04:42:37    阅读数: 179

编者按:“2018年CSH-EASL DAY”于“2018年中华医学会肝病学分会学术年会”期间举行,法国巴黎Pitié-Salpêtrière医院肝脏胃肠科Dominique Thabut教授代表欧洲肝脏研究学会(EASL)在会上分享了欧洲在肝硬化并发症和肝脏移植方面的研究进展、最新观念和临床实践经验,并于会后就肝硬化患者的生存趋势、预后预测和治疗问题接受了《国际肝病》的专访。
: How about long-term survival trends in patients with compensated and decompensated cirrhosis during recent decade?
Prof. Thabut: The prognosis for compensated and decompensated cirrhosis is getting better, and this is the trend worldwide. This is because antibiotic prophylaxis and beta-blockers (and TIPS in some patients) have made the management of complications better, especially bleeding. Also, we are starting to treat HCV and HBV, and stopping virus replication. 
However, the incidence of HCC is growing. The incidence of NASH is growing. We don’t have any treatment for the causal factors of NASH, so we should expect that this improvement in survival will stop. In the future, we may see a decrease in survival again in cirrhotic patients.
: Are there any other prognostic models besides Child-Pugh and MELD score commonly used to assess prognosis, including organ allocation for liver transplantation in patients with decompensated cirrhosis? What are the main limitations of these scores?
Prof. Thabut: This is a very important question for assessing the prognosis of cirrhosis. The Child-Pugh score have been used for fifty years, and it works very well because it was made by a clinician. Ascites is important, and encephalopathy is important. The drawbacks of Child-Pugh is that it can be subjective, especially in the assessment of encephalopathy and ascites, and also because albumin is not available in an emergency setting. 
MELD score is not necessarily better. In fact, it is the same as the Child-Pugh score at predicting prognosis, but it is more objective. However, the score is far from perfect, because it is used for organ allocation for transplant, but does not include encephalopathy or ascites or HCC. 
Other scores have been developed, especially regarding organ failure, like the CLIF-SOFA score. They are not used in the transplant setting as far as I know. They also have drawbacks. So people who work with liver transplantation are trying to improve the MELD score by adding other parameters, such as natremia and encephalopathy, but these are not used on a regular basis. The drawbacks of these scores is that subjectivity can be important, and that liver function has to be assessed every day because it varies over time. This is a real issue. Sometimes, we cannot include variables like encephalopathy or ascites that vary also. It is difficult to have a perfect score to assess survival in cirrhosis, but Child-Pugh and MELD are not so bad.
: What’s the role of stem cells and artificial liver support systems in the management of complications of cirrhosis?
Prof. Thabut: There has been a lot of hope around stem cells, even twenty years ago. There were data presented at EASL by the Barcelona group on animal studies where injecting stem cells was improving portal hypertension. That opens the door for further research even in transplantation with syngeneic livers. There is a Swiss study showing that you can transplant rats with mouse livers with survival up to four months. So these are new options. Of course, we are eager to see the results of all these studies. 
Artificial support of the liver is just a transition, rather than a definitive cure of the liver disease. It can be used in certain indications, but does not solve the problem.

